UI / UX Designer

UI / UX Designer
We are looking for an experienced UI/UX designer who is passionate about creating elegant and intuitive web applications for a wide range of users.


We are looking for an experienced UI/UX designer who is passionate about creating elegant and intuitive web applications for a wide range of users.

Conditions de travail:

We are looking for an experienced UI/UX designer who is passionate about creating elegant and intuitive web applications for a wide range of users.


We are looking for an experienced UI/UX designer who is passionate about creating elegant and intuitive web applications for a wide range of users.

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Conditions générales :
- Etre âgé de 30 ans au minimum ,
-Avoir un minimum de patience ,
-Disposer d' une bonne moralité,
-Demeurer aux environs de Togo 2000 , Be , Nukafu, Hedzranawoe , wuiti ,
Salaire discutable lors de l'entretien
Contact : 
 97 28 43 44
91 39 16 80
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