Finance and Administration Manager

Finance and Administration Manager
As Finance and Administration Manager you will ensure organizational and administrative staff within the organization.


As Finance and Administration Manager you will ensure organizational and administrative staff within the organization.

Conditions de travail:

As Finance and Administration Manager you will ensure organizational and administrative staff within the organization.


As Finance and Administration Manager you will ensure organizational and administrative staff within the organization.

Emplois similaires

14 April 2022
As Finance and Administration Manager you will ensure organizational and administrative staff within the organization.
23 April 2022

Il y aura plusieurs projets en cours d'exécution en même temps, il sera donc nécessaire de respecter des délais serrés et de travailler avec les développeurs front-end principaux pour garantir les budgets.

18 April 2022
The company seeks to contribute to building better businesses for the longer term through partnership. We are offering a successful candidate the opportunity.
14 September 2023

Il est recherché de toute urgence un chauffeur pour le compte d'un particulier

Conditions générales :
- Etre âgé de 30 ans au minimum ,
-Avoir un minimum de patience ,
-Disposer d' une bonne moralité,
-Demeurer aux environs de Togo 2000 , Be , Nukafu, Hedzranawoe , wuiti ,
Salaire discutable lors de l'entretien
Contact : 
 97 28 43 44
91 39 16 80